Saturday, July 19, 2008

...That Daring Young Woman Screaming On the Flying Trapeze.

I am now an official Ape. I have the certificate to prove it.

Heh, Blair and I just finished the Go Ape! Experience, doing various heart-dislocating crossings, jumps, and swings through the canopies of huge old tree.

Definitely made this whole Lake District thing worth it. I’m now chilling, listening to music on the way back, trying to ignore my raging nausea in the car.

I’m not sure why I’m so ill: hunger probably, since I haven’t eaten for several hours and the adrenaline during the whole treetops thing kept me from feeling any hunger until now.

Ah, the adrenaline. Ah, the treetops. We had harnesses attaching us to cables the entire winding, up-and-down way, and we were constantly unclipping and reclipping ourselves—very careful, because our lives depended on it—to the various cables everywhere.

Holy cow. Majour random displaced feeling. I just remembered a ‘dream’ I had recently, and by dream I mean alternate reality. Something happened and we had to go home halfway through the trip. It’s so disjointed and mismatched I can’t really explain it (although I’m wondering if it’s the same night as the one with Kell and the Chinese food), but I just remember images, feelings so clearly it feels certain it happened, and I know in the ‘dream world’ days, even weeks passed during that one night of 'sleep'.


And now, I’m waiting for room in the kitchen so I can feed myself.


Bleah. I hate the way Anne takes everything over.

Anyways, the Go Ape thing. It was about three hours long (3 exciting hours) and the two scariest bits were the first zipline (stepping out into open air that first time is a doozy... and you take that step, and bounce on air, moving slowly... and it’s not so bad.. until you speed up and flail and scream because you’re so completely out of control—or feel it), and the Tarzan jump, which was humoungus and terrifying and involved a few seconds of freefall before flying headlong into a rope net, which you then have to climb onto yet another tree-ledge, trusting your life to that harness the entire time.


And the whole thing is designed in ways that don’t harm the trees or impede their growth or even dig into them. And there’s pro-ecological and pro-trees signs everywhere.

And all of this for 25 pounds. Frigging awesome.

Tomorrow is our last day already. And we’ve done nothing blessed nothing for the past couple of days. Tomorrow is Hadrian’s Wall, ancient artefact and such, but I don’t really want to go and I’ve chosen not to. I figure being crushed and stressed in the car all day for something I don’t especially want to see wouldn’t be a good use of my last day. I’d rather take the time to be alone maybe go for a walk, and enjoy the Lake District before we go.

I feel a bit guilty about not having done anything this past week but chill and be bitchy, but I think going tomorrow would just make me bitchier for the days to come.


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