Friday, June 30, 2006



Ah, I love Summer.

And now, I am done exams. And after working the last three or four nights in a row (and last night was just plain brutal), I am free until Sunday.

I, for one, am thrilled. And it's 3 am... I have to wake up early (meaning before noon *grins*) tomorrow to go for breakfast, then get Becca, so I really should go to sleep soon... but I wanted to write a litle first. Mostly just random thoughts... a few updates on my recent life... stuff like that.

Firstly, I expect there will soon be a long rant on the Twit, and Twits in general. I haven't gotten around to it yet... but ugh. And luckily, since the whole thing is pretty out in the open right now... I don't have to do the whole 'anonymous friend' dealio, like on most situations that are happening to friends right now.

Lately, I've been talking online a lot. I know that I'm a net junkie, and that I've always talked a lot to friends... but lately I've actually been TALKING. Like, communicating regularly. And people have been talking to me, too. Willingly, I mean. Hm I suppose that most people who talk online may understand what I mean here... there are people who always talk to whoever's online on their MSN list. The Twit, it seems, is one of them. I finally got around to adding her, incidentally. You'd think I'd have at least added her in Grade Eight when we were semi-friends... but no. Even then I knew she was a twit. But anyways. Then there are people who have a couple of people on MSN they talk to if they see that they're online, but they don't really start convos with other people unless they have a reason. That was me. I talked to Tristan and Will and not really anyone else. But lately, I've been opening up convos with other people. Chitchatting about random things, little things. Sharing parts of your life with people, and being shared with. Maybe that's why even when I don't actually see many of my friends since school ended, I don't feel as lonely as I did a week ago. Nothing beats actual human contact of course, but hopefully I'm gonna see some friends this weekend.

I also kinda seized life a bit more... invited some people over. I realized that I don't have to wait for life to come get me... Just because it's not a special occasion, doesn't mean I can't invite people over. I also decided that it's not my job to make everyone happy. I was stressing over that earlier. Everyone has a problem with someone else, and there's no way to accomodate everyone. After worrying and getting mad and stressing, I stretched out and chilled mentally. Peace. Love. Harmony. It'll all come. I know from personal experience that it's possible to put aside differences and have a good time with people I don't like. And if people aren't willing to do that, they can sit their asses at home. Simple as that.

Although I suppose ve shall see what actually happens, hm?

Yes. But back to the topic.

Hells, I don't know what the topic even really was... So moving on... Random ramblings...

Right. I was talking about Davo.

I really like that kid. I mean, he has issues (don't all my friends?) but he's also got a big heart. Which appears to be begging to be broken. I swear, one day he's gonna meet the girl of his dreams, who will sneak up behind him when he least expects it and make him forget all about those silly twits he's usually hung up on.

And speaking of hearts... one may be wondering how I'm doing now that Tristan's gone. To be honest... sometimes I forget he was ever here. Maybe he never existed... Like, he's a ghost. Then again... sometimes I really really miss him. Since I have absolutely zero sense of time, it feels like he's been gone forever and ever and he'll never come back. And that thought scares me.

I wonder how he's doing... those last few hours we spent together were really really nice.


I'd say I'm in a strange mood, but I'm really not in any mood at all... I feel like I'm floating in space, unattached to anything... No feelings, just floating above everything, watching it.

Perhaps that's a sign I should go to sleep. I think I will.

Good night. Peace to all.


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