Sunday, June 11, 2006

Another Boy Rant.

Voice: Oh, joy. Boys again. You know, even I get tired of hearing about the boys in your life, occasionally. And boys in general.

Weaver: Just hear me out. At least this time it's not about me and a boy. Rather, it's about a friend (who, at her request, shall remain Anonymous) and a boy. I'm just not entirely sure what to think of the situation. And of course, being me, I want to rant and think about the topic. Besides, it might help her out to at least hear a few different thoughts.

Voice: And lucky me, I get to have the whole thing bounced off of me so that you can figure it out.

Weaver: Right you are! Give the... er... mist... a prize!

Voice: Okay then. So, what's the situation with Anonymous?

Weaver: The usual drama... Basically, her boytoy is going away for the summer. And of course, he chose my birthday party yesterday to talk to her about what would happen to their relationship when he did. It's actually quite funny... Almost everyone there talked to someone else about something important last night. At one point everyone was separated into 'talking' groups with their persons. Including me, but that's another story.

Voice: Stay on task. I want this to be done before you fall asleep.

Weaver: Right. Sorry. Tired and all. Only got a few hours of sleep. And I just got back from work.

Voice: FOCUS!!!

A gust of cool mist abruptly swirls around Weaver, dousing her face.

Weaver: Thanks. Really. Okay. So from what I understand, neither of them is fully sure how they feel about the other. They're kinda opposites and I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing in their case.

But anyways. Let's skip all the possibilities of their compatibility as a couple and get straight to the point. He told her that he wanted to take a break for the summer, since he wasn't going to be around anyways. Reasonable, no? After all, they're only going to be 'going out' in name for that period anyways.

Voice: If so, then where's the confusion?

Weaver: I'm getting there. It's not the whole request thing, but WHY that's so ambiguous. See, the reason he wants to break up for the summer or whatever is because he wants her to be happy.

Voice: I think I speak for everyone when I say... "Huh?" I don't see the connection. Explain further.

Weaver: Okay. I'm not 100% on the reasoning here, but apparently he thinks that 'summer romances can be fun' and such things like that, and he doesn't want her to feel that she has to stay faithful to him when he's not even in the same province as her. When she protested that she wanted to stay faithful to him, and if by some random chance met the man of her dreams while he was away she would tell him, his response was that he didn't want her to feel she had to stay glued into a relationship that was only in name anyway.

Rough translation, in Weaver's opinion: If she can't last two months without having sex with him, he wants her to feel free to do someone else.

Or, the sweet version: He'd rather she be happy with someone else than unhappy and pining for him.

Or something along those lines.

Voice: It doesn't take an idiot to figure that out, then. Two easy deductions: One, he's the one who wants to be free to have a 'fling' or whatever. Two, he's trying to put it in a way that seems like it's all for her sake. Which makes him a cork soaker.

Weaver: Normally, I would agree. In fact, if it were anyone but this particular boy (or maybe Tristan), I most definitely would agree. But she has some pretty good arguments for the home team. For one thing, he's really nice, and probably sincere. Before you say, "Denial much?", let me just say that I agree, for once. I consider both of them to be good friends, and he's a pretty straightforward guy, not to mention a nice one. It's exactly the kind of thing he would do, in fact. This is when our opinions started to diverge. And thus, here's where the rant part comes in.

Warning: This gets a bit harsh. I mean no offense. I love you, dudes!

Anonymous was mostly kinda sad and confused about the whole thing. You know, the typical girl reaction: "Oh my gawd, he doesn't want to date me anymore but he doesn't want to hurt my feelings by breaking up with me he likes someone else he's gonna forget all about me over the summer how the hell will we pick it back up once school starts" etc etc etc. I zoned out after a while, to be honest. Because you know what? Whether or not he's being sincere, If I were in her place, I think I'd probably be kinda mad.

For one thing, what the fuck? Sure, if you look at it the 'sweet version' way, it's a nice sentiment. But either it means that he truly loves her, enough to want to put her happiness far before his own.... or that he doesn't care enough about her to feel supremely jealous at the thought of her with another guy. And even if he does truly love her that much, he still wouldn't be respecting her... or at least not enough to believe that she can stay faithful in that unbearably long two-month absence.

We were talking about this with another friend--

Voice: Let me guess. She wants to remain anonymous, too.

Weaver: As a matter of fact, it doesn't really matter. Unless she reads this and asks me to remove her name too. But until then, for clarity's sake, let's only have one Anonymous, okay?

Right. So we were talking with Becca, who said that her brother once did the same thing to his girlfriend. But aha! There's a twist! You see, as I understand it, her brother knew that his girlfriend had already been unfaithful, and I'm not entirely sure on this one either, but I believe the whole thing was his way of letting her get away with it/seeing if she'd fess up...? Either that or the whole breakup without making it seem like you're broken up to spare the mess.

Voice: Well, has your friend cheated on her boyfriend, in this case? Perhaps the situations aren't so different as you thought...?

Weaver: I'm about 99% sure that she hasn't. For one thing, when Becca told the story it was pretty obvious that the thought hadn't even crossed my friend's mind. Also, she was just as confused as before, so obviously questions were not answered.

Voice: Wait wait wait. A thought just occured to me. Did he want the 'summer breakup' to begin immediately, or when he actually left?

Weaver: It seems great minds do think alike, after all! That's the exact same thing I asked her, and apparently it's the exact same thing she asked him. Unfortunately, he said that he meant when he actually left.

Voice: Why is that unfortunate?

Weaver: For her sake, it isn't. But if he had said 'immediately', then I think it would have been fairly obvious that he was actually doing the mess-avoiding breakup after all. But no! Dammit, why doesn't anything ever have a simple answer?

I'm sorry, but this whole situation just bugs me to no end.

And I seem to have run into the brick wall, finally. All of the lack of sleep and partying and such has caught up to me, because I can no longer think about it. And my head hurts.

Bah on boys.

And bah on girls too.

Bah on everyone.

Except Mr Dearden, because he's using my King Kong entry as an introduction to the Diploma Exam prep on my birthday. As a model essay, if I recall the words of the email correctly...

*feels better*



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