Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Random Thoughts.

Been re-reading old entries. And I mean really old entries... like the ones from October 2004, the first ones. Remember Jared? The one who was eaten by mad beavers? Yeah. I'd almost forgotten about him, too. And Ryan? Okay, I'll admit that I miss him sometimes. And we didn't exactly end our friendship on the best of terms. I believe my exact words were "Oh, stop being such a fucking baby and go make yourself some soup!" -blocks-. Of course, he apparently took it personally and blocked me in return. Hey, I emailed him a few months ago... but he never returned it.

Ah, well. Things were waning between us anyways. Friendships come and go, and all that. But still, he was a funky guy, faults aside. And Blair, even you can't completely disagree.

It's almost one and I have to be up at 7 to catch my bus for a Chemistry exam.

Huh. Interesting. -stays online-

Tristan's leaving in a few days to go to Ontario. Haven't seen him since Friday, which was weird. Really weird. And put me in a bad/sad mood. Or maybe that was just absorbing his mood...?

Bah. I don't know. Went to this amazing tea shop to study for Chem today. Yes, I actually studied. I do care about school, you know. Just not always. I wanted to invite him but wasn't sure if it was appropriate, since I'd been invited myself. Later, I remembered he's a genius and is in Chem too. Whacked myself upside the head, and got my head whacked by both Amber and Dallis.

And since he takes school way seriously, don't know if I'm even going to be able to spend time with him before he leaves...

But whatever, I guess.

What the hell am I saying? WHATEVER? This is my last chance to see him for a long time! We should be spending every spare moment together, dammit!

But then again... he doesn't exactly seem interested in chilling or anything. Haven't gotten so much as a call... I should probably take the hint and assume that he's busy preparing for his trip.

Bleah. I guess I'm just feeling bleah about the whole thing. Oh, well.

Yes, and I've fallen in love with Steeps, the amazing tea shop we studied at. And 17th Ave in general. I got a new tongue stud and a pair of Converses. With large Rainbows on them.

Hey, people already think I'm gay. I don't really care. Besides, I love them.

I feel like telling everyone to go back and read the beginnings of my blog, way back in 2004. If only because I found it so fascinating. I don't even remember most of that stuff. Funny how things change, eh? For instance, the entry about my fears about becoming too girly. These days, although I must admit I look kinda butch a lot of the time, I still wear skirts more than anything else.

I'm also much much more comfortable with myself, all aspects of me. Sometimes I shave my legs, sometimes I don't... Yeah, India.Arie's song definitely applies to me. Violate Propriety! I'm not afraid to express myself, these days. Or at least, not as afraid. I tell people when I love them. Friends, I mean. See my (ew, I know... I know... but I was bored...) Nex page for that whole rant. The link is where Will's blog's link used to be. He deleted it.

1 15. I really should be going... My contacts are getting dirty and itchy and painful.

Ah, yes. My next random thought. I lost my favourite glasses in the river a few months ago. So now it's contacts every day again.

Ow... my eye is watering like no tomorrow and hurts whenever I blink.

I think the Goddess is telling me to get the hell upstairs...

So I'll continue this tomorrow.



PS. Lah stands for Love And Harmony, and it's my tag. You know, I used to say that even two years ago when my blog first started. Funny how time flies.

Owwwww... Okay, okay. I'm going.

And by the way, I have no idea (except for a precious few people) who reads my blog anymore. LEAVE COMMENTS, PEOPLE!

I like comments. If only to believe that people DO read this stuff.

Okay, I'm definitely wayyyy overdue for sleep.

Weaver. Lah. And such.

1 comment:

  1. you'd better know that i read your blog babe!!! LOVE YA!!!!

    ps, you should know who this is too! no tag required (though very cleaver Lah!! Love ya babe!!
