Saturday, June 03, 2006

Strange Confusing Post

Weaver: Sorry, give me a second. I've severely distracted. O.O *she stares at a TV screen*

Voice: I thought you didn't watch TV...?

Weaver: Showcase on Friday night is the exception, whenever it happens to be on nearby. Fridays Without Borders are funny, interesting, and despite being mostly chaste, somehow manage to be more sensual/erotic than a full-length porn video.

Voice: Perhaps because they're real?

Weaver: I think that's probably it. They're real-life stuff, for the most part. And this episode of Sin Cities Unleashed is WEIRD. It's all flashbacks from previous episodes.... this one focuses on nudity. Well, good for it! Goes well with my "Dance Naked In The Streets" post, which is all about nudity. Hey. Ashley (the main character in the latter and better two seasons) isn't actually all that unattractive, in a nerdy kind of way. My nerd could beat him any day in the looks department, but then again, I'm biased I suppose.

Voice: I must mention that this post, while strange, isn't all that confusing.

Weaver: Oh, this post wasn't actually supposed to have anything to do with Sin Cities or FWB. It was actually supposed to be a post that I wanted to make so that I could talk over my mind with the Mists, but that I didn't really want people to read unless they really felt they had to. Thus, a confusing and rather strange post. It's... er... deviated a tad from that, I think. But I guess it's for the best, since everyone would have read it anyway and poop would ensue. And more confusion. And possible unhappiness. Luckily, --

Whoops. Commercial over.

Told you it was distracting.


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