Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

Wow, yesterday passed in such a blur. I'm amazed... it's already a new year (and 3 pm in the new year as well). What did I do for New Year's Eve, you ask? Did I sit around alone like a loser? NO!!! I DID NOT!!!
Yeah, I went to Ryan's. With Becs. Twas awesome. We had to get picked up at like 1 AM, but hey what can ya do?

Let's go over my New Year's Eve.

First of all, a couple of nights ago I couldn't sleep and rearranged my room. Now, it's the most differen't it's been since we moved in. Also, I've been suffering from mild insomnia, like that night only milder. I had things to do yesterday; I didn't want to wake up at like 1 pm like I'm used to. So, I asked Ryan's empty AIM window (he was sleeping) to call me and wake me up at 11 if I was not yet active.

Guess what time I woke up?

10 55, baby! He was just pickin' up the phone!

Though that stupid small treacherous part of me that I really should get around to killing whispered that it would have been fun for him to sound a foghorn in my ear or however else he would have woken me up.

But that's neither here nor there. I woke up on time and got dressed, went downstairs, chatted with Ryan until Brian was (finally) done with the oven, and worked on my newest concoction: Nutella Brownies! They came out good, but only slightly Nutella-y. I'm thinking that next time, I'm gonna use less cocoa and more Nutella.

After I was (finally) done my brownies, I got a ride to the mall, where I was to meet Becs and shop until it was time to go to Ryan's. Unfortunately, all the delaying only got me there around 3 30, and we only had an hour and a half. Still, I got a starload of books and a pretty skirt and top.

And since Ryan and Andrea both have a thing against swearing, I've been trying to cut down around them, and subsequently have been cutting down all over. My newest tactic is replacing swears with a random word. Just so that this is all a little mroe comprehensible.

Anyways, back to my story.

Ryan lives not that far from the mall. On a warm sunny day, that is. On a freezing cold -25 snowing night, he lives miles and miles from the mall. Or at least that's what it felt like to two girls, one of which who was only wearing a knee-length skirt (me). The tights Mama made me promise to buy at Winners turned out to be summer neaerly-invisible kind, so that didn't even help much (though I went thorugh hell to get them on). But finally we arrived at Ryan's, soaking in the heat and junk food and soda like two sponges. Ryan stayed far away, noticed the narrowed sidelong looks of consideration we were giving him upon having come to the conclusion that he was warm. Farrrr away.

Ian (the other friend that was coming over) wasn't there yet. The moment he walked in the door, we both glanced down over the balcony thing into the front hall and I asked 'Are you warm?' hopefully. Becs commented that he probably wouldn't be, coming in from the cold. Ian cheerfully contradicted her, saying that he was really warm from the heated car. Poos sucker. The moment he ascended the stairs to the area where we were, he was bombarded by girl wanting a snuggle. Took it quite well, too. And he let us, which will forever raise him higher in our estimation.

The rest of the night was fun. The two guys tested out their new Gameboy DS' capabilities, and we watched two movies. The way I watched Ryan and Ian get completely sucked into their games made me infinitily glad I brought Becs, because if she hadn't been there it would have just been me and them, with me once again the outsider. Just like last time. Fun, indeed.

Eventually we ended up downstairs, watching the end of the Terminal. which was really good, incidentally. Ian was upstairs caling his parents (and most likely getting bombarded by Micheline) Ryan had already seen it, and the little bugger... Ooooh, what he did... *growls* It was the most critical part of the movie, where (***spoilers***) the main guy is waiting for the other guy to stop playing so he can get the autograph that's the reason he waited in the terminal, the promise he made to his dying father, etc. etc. (***end spoilers***) and we're leaning forward in our seats, waiting to see what happens....

And Ryan mutters loudly in our ears, "He has a heart attack before he can sign it."

"WHAT?!?! NO! HE CAN'T!!!!" Was basically our reation, summed up. We yelled and glared, but he just laughed at our reactions. How could he do that to us? Ruin the movie? THE HONEYCOMB WOULD DIE!

But he didn't. Die, that is. And neither did the guy who was supposedly going to have a heart attack.

And the movie ended most unsatisfactorily. In the minute where the credits started to roll, we wailed in anguish for a second. Then there was silence. Then, I turned slowly to face Ryan, raised a shaking finger to point at him, and said in a shuddering voice,

"This is YOUR fault!"

His eyes widened in terror.

"Oh, crap" was the only reply he could manage before Rebecca started whacking him. I joined in, but it was half-hearted at best. When him and Becs started tangling, Becs was so into it that I was a third wheel, and I knew it from the beginning, so I stayed out of it a lot, though I wished that I could have been the one fighting instead of her. Even though Ryan won't hurt girls and is sharp as a tack. I was in the fight a lot when we were trying to put makeup on him, though. That's when he really struggled. And I only used my nails twice: when he told Ian to burn my books and when he was destroying Becs' lipstick. And I let go the minute he stopped. I don't like using them as a weapon with someone who doesn't have the same advantage.

Eventually Becs really pissed himi off though, and thats when we found out how strong he really was. Becs is no feather. She's 5'8 or so and something like 170 pounds. She also happened to be completely on top of him at the time. And he stood up. Lifting her completely off the ground as he did.


He lifted himself up completely, and all of her weight too. MY DAD COULDN'T EVEN HAVE DONE THAT. I was just sitting there cross-legged in front of them staring in awe at Ryan. To think, that's the guy that I call Snookums because it bugs him...

And while we were in shock, he ran to his room and closed the door, putting all his weight against at as we did.

His mother, throughout all of this, had been taking pictures and laughing at our game of 'Hide and Go Seek' as she called it.

I must say though, when Ryan locked himself in the bathroom and told Ian to hug me and distract me while he got away (I don't think he realized that we could hear him too) was hilarious. I decided to let myself be distracted since he appeared to have forgotten that Becs was the main torturer (actually, he seemed to have forgotten Becs was there at all--weird, eh?). Ian yelled 'Now' as he hugged me and Ryan opened the door to run only to came face-to-face with 5 feet, 8 inches of solid teenage female weight as Becs got him in what started out as a running tackle and ended up a full-out charge. I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and I still wish that I could've gotten a picture of his face in that moment, when it changed almost comically from triumph to shock to pure terror.

After that, Ian took no sides. He didn't want to end up in Ryan's position..

Ian ended up leaving around 11 or 11 30. He was going home to watch the countdown himself. Becs and Ryan played Super Smash Bros on Gamecube while I made dice out of tape. I suck at Super Smash Bros and people always insist that I play it though I've come to hate it, or at least hate always losing no matter what. Ryan didn't though. When Rebecca urged me to join, he commented that there were only two controllers and that I kinda sucked anyway (thank you for NOTICING!).

In the end, I was wondering what time it was so that we wouldn't miss teh countdown and checked Becs' watch, only to watch it change from 12 03 to 12 04. We had missed New Year's. Jeez, that kind of sucked. Ryan and Becs shrugged and went '3,2,1 yoopee' in the same uncaring tone you most likely just read it in.

And that was my New Year. Papa came about an hour and a bit later, and Becs and I got back home for 1 30 or 1 45, to settle into bed for 2 or 2 30 and read for several hours (I FINISHED THE MEDIATOR VI! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!) and then talked until 6 am or so. And woke up today. At 2 30 pm, when the phone woke us up.

My New Years' Resolutions. I try to keep them as much as possible, and I make one or two that I remember and take seriously.

Last year's: To have no regrets. Or at least, very few of them. I was sick of rethinking and obsessing and regretting later everything I said or did, or the way I reacted to things. For the most part, I'm pretty proud of how far I've come.

This year's: To be more spontaneous. Now, I know that anyone who is my friend will most likely jump on this and exclaim that I'm the most random person they know, but I'm not. Not where it matters. Once again, I think too much. Like whenever I go out with Ryan and I automatically want to link my arm through his (because I'm a physical contact lover and he's warm) but I don't in case... Well, actually I'm not enctirely sure why I don't. I just think too much and come up with reasons in my head not to. Even though I do it to almost everyone else I know. Things like that are what caused me to make this particualr New Year's resolution. I'm undecided yet as to whether I'm goign to make another one. I figure you have the week after New Year's to decide.

Woo. And with that long shpiel... Adieu!


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