Tuesday, January 18, 2005


MW: Isn't that a splendid word? Thee. I love that word. It's one of my favorite words.
VITM (a little more echoey and far off than usual): Uh oh, she's been dealing a little too much with that bleach.
MW: Pft. I have not. In fact, Mama hasn't even gotten home with the bleach yet. Wait, I hear the door. Nope, just Kai. And since I'm way overtired and kinda hyperactive from lack of sleep at the same time as I'm longing to throw myself at the bed and sleep for a million years, I'm kinda running on and ranting a bit when I talk, which you may or may not have noticed but oooh I'm warm I love my bathrobe I need to change the sheets on my bed and steal somebody so that I can steal their body heat because that's the thing about winter, is that it's cold and the only sure way to warm yourself up is a lot of really heavy comforters and/or a warm body. Preferably both.
VITM: Holy crap. That was a long sentence.
MW: Hey, whaddaya know. It was.
VITM: You know, I think that our conversations have been going slightly downhill lately.
MW: I blame it on tiredity. When I'm tired, I can't hold the mists at bay as well as usual. Which is why you're a little lost in the other mists tonight. And why I randomly jump from subject to subject and can't seem to focus clearly. I feel like I should be italicized. Like a song lyric. Like a Poe song lyric from her Haunted album.

Sometimes I can't hear-
You'll have to speak a little louder. I can't hear you.
Sometimes I can't hear myself think.

MW: That's probably my favorite strange echo-skit-ghost-thing on the album. Besides Exploration B, the first one. That's where she calls up her mother, gets the answering machine, and says in this creepy singsong voice "Thought you should know. Daddy died today..." and goes on like that. Chilling. Lovely. Gorgeous. I can sometimes understand why Brett worships her. Heehee. I love Brett. We all constantly pick on him and tease him at rehearsal. But he does the same back to us. Truly radical dude. Like, totally. Even though he wore the leather pants last year. I've forgiven him for that.
VITM: I'm getting a headache listening to you, and I don't even have a head.
MW: You're so far away... come back...
VITM: Let's desperately try to keep this mundane, shall we? How did you end up doing on that play thing you got into the bitchfight with that chick about?
MW: Oh, we did horribly on that. Presented it this morning. I didn't contribute to the horribleness, though. In fact, I knew all my lines to a "T". But "T" is an uncool letter, so I'm going to reject the T. Instead, I knew all my lines to a "Q". Qs are cooler than Ts. There's only one part that I messed up, and that was where I unknowingly jumped a paragraph. But that's okay, because no one noticed. Hell, even I didn't until near the end of the play when it hit me in a burst of light.

Oh, and now Kai wants to bed. So I shall stop my takeover of his computer and go to my room.


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