Monday, November 01, 2004

A Quickie Before School

Because of the time change, I'm unnaturally chipper this morning, having slept in an extra hour. Of course, this doesn't mean that I got to bed any earlier or am going to use this to my scholarly advantage: I checked my agenda this morning and it turns out that I have an assignment due in every class. But I have it all worked out: I'll do my Social on the bus, I'll hand in my English tomorrow (I'm wincing at the thought of lowering my mark, but oh well), and I'll do my French homework in English class. As for all my free time, well I'm going to use to work on my NaNoWriMo!

Yes! I have started NaNo! Yesterday I was surfing the net when I realized that it was past midnight and therefore past time to start. My beautiful, amazing Title, Author, and Dedication, as well as the first page, have been completed. Later, at school, I'll post them up. I've decided that in order to survive the next month without murdering my inner editor and burying her VERY deep, I'm going to allow myself to edit a little. However, I'm going to be very strict: Only if I've passed my word quota for the day by at least 500 words, I'm only allowed to erase if I'm going to write more, and I'm to edit only if I'm going to post it in my blog. Hopefully this will even up my word count instead of keeping it down.

Woo hoo! I just updated my word count for the first time and added my first Novel Excerpt to my profile on the NaNoWriMo website! I'm nearly done 1/50th of my novel. Wow, that sounds depressing. I hope I won't be thinking like that all month.

I'm off to school! My bus comes in 15 minutes so I shall go do something useful, like eat.



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