Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Samhain...

Update: I just added links to this blog to sites like popdex and Technorati!

My brother's friends just left. The three of them went out trick or treating while I stayed home and gave out candy. I used to say that you were never too old to go trick or treating and vowed to go out until I was twenty, but last year I got frostbite and next to no candy. My opinion has since then changed.

Actually, my original solution to the temperature and stinginess of the people out here was to go into the city, but my friend's mother changed her mind, and the rest of my friends ditched out on me. Thus, the Snowflake Queen was left at home to give out candy to those brave souls who came out. All four of them.

I kid you not! A full four people!

Luckily, one of my bro's friends likes me and hates most candy. So in exchange for some of the remnants of what I gave out, he gave me all that he didn't like and forever earned a place in my heart. Of course, he was already my favorite of my brother's friends, but that's because he's one of the few with a little maturity and a lot of heart.

On another note.

Tonight is Samhain, the Witches' New Year! Along with mugging the pre-teen boys for candy and preparing for NaNoWriMo, I also performed my Samhain ritual and would have gone down to the river if it weren't for the cougars and bears and coyotes.

Whew. Homework calls. Damn that cursed thing called school. On the other hand, there are certain... people... at school that I dont often see anywhere else. I guess it ain't all that bad ^.^

Until I get tired of schoolwork,

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