Thursday, November 11, 2004

Tales from the Lean Mean Writing Machine

Mood: full and pumped

I know I haven't written in a couple of days, but I do have a reason: I've been busy. In fact, I spent today writing. I still have a ways to go, and I swear that I'll update this blog as soon as I'm done.

Also, those of you who read my novel will be happy to learn that although I haven't updated it in longer than my blog, I'm going to update it right now. You will also be pleased to know that I have 2 chapters to add, as well as the rest of Chapter Three.

A caution, however. I haven't even read over what I've written, and some of it was done when I was extremely sleep-deprived. I actually succeeded in shutting up my inner editor, so I haven't edited any of it. At all. I also believe that my novel's getting progressively worse as I go along, but that's just my ignored inner editor speaking, not me.

I've ditched Microsoft Word. I like it and all, but I have found a better word processor. It's called 'Rough Draft' and it has as wonderful sidebar that lets you store notes and all sorts of wonderful things. You have to try it if you're a writer, don't just rely on my word. My only complaint is the formatting options: it's difficult to format certain things in your document (I still haven't figured out how to add an automatic indent on the first line of each paragraph or get rid of overtype when I accidentally turn it on).

Anyways, it's back to work. Cheerio!


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