Monday, July 17, 2006

A Note on the Lost Entry

Voice: What lost entry?

Weaver: If it were here, then it wouldn't be lost, now would it?

Voice: That's beside the point. Explain fully.

Weaver: Well, last night I was having a small upset, and felt the need to post. However, I didn't want anyone to READ said post, so I kinda misplaced it in the archives so that only those who want to read through every single old entry can find it.

Voice: And yet... you're telling us about it. Thus encouraging people to do so.

Weaver: You know how I am... I write to be heard. And I wasn't even talking to you on that one, so I feel like it'll never be heard.

Voice: So basically you're defeating yourself by being yourself.

Weaver: Something like that. But you see, I have a plan.

Voice: Uh oh.

Weaver: Hey! I have good plans sometimes!

Voice: *cough* Sometimes.

Weaver: Fine then, I won't tell you my plan.

Voice: Oh, please. Of course you will.

Weaver: Yeah... you're right... So... the plan. I shall post it, but I shall post it in FRENCH! Hence, only those who can read french will be able to understand it.

Voice: Need I point out the obvious holes in this plan? Such as online translators?

Weaver: Shush. I don't want to hear it. At the very least, this will keep me occupied for a little while, not to mention force me to brush up on my French skills. Oh, and Will? Shut up. I can hear your thoughts from all the way over here, before you even think them. Especially after you read this.


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