Saturday, July 22, 2006

Little Template Changes

Oh, and my blog's getting kinda big... Almost two years running! Anyways, my brain is not a numbers brain when I'm not focused on math, making the archive format a visual horror to my eyes, and since my posts tend to be long the main page has been getting uber long as well. So I made a few little changes.

The archive format is now monthly, not weekly (good luck finding the post you want within that month, but the stupid weekly format kept confusing me with the way dates were posted). And the main page has the last five posts instead of the last seven days. And I'll probably end up fiddling with it some more.

Although really this is all a moot point, since nobody reads old entries but me anyways.

But thought I'd mention it.


1 comment:

  1. boo, i read old entires. There is still a way to access them though, isnt there (might be a dumb question, but im currently suffering from jetlag)
