Sunday, July 02, 2006

Movie Time

Goddamnit, this is so uncool.

So weird shindig last night. Jolyn, Blair, and Davo all left early this morning. I, alone and bored, decided that since it was rainy outside and I was alone, I might as well watch movies. And I've been having a Star Wars craving, so I decided to watch all of the Star Wars movies in order (minus Episode II, since somebody borrowed it and I never got it back).

It's exactly the topic of borrowing that's been pissing me off. People in my household are hell on CDs. Be them DVDs or music disks, they end up scratched to hell, dirty... They're never put back in their covers, or worse yet they're put back into the wrong covers.

Out of all my pet peeves, this is the absolute most biggest one. Especially since they don't bother to take better care of it even if it doesn't belong to them. In the past few years, I've been amassing a private movie collection, separate from the family's. I try as hard as I can to keep them in my room, separate from the others and from the evil clutches of my family, but they're also very proprietary about movies... unfortunately not their own.

Example. Underworld and Underworld Evolution. Two of my favourite movies of all time. Becca go tme Underworld Evolution for my birthday, and we immediately watched it. I haven't seen it since then, because Brian loves it too. And the first thing he did was take it to watch over and over again in his pit. The original Underworld? Ha! I saw the disc for the first time in months the other day. Not that it was watchable, because of all the scratches in it.

But back to Star Wars. I was in the kitchen earlier, after searching--

Okay. The anger has randomly faded. I don't really want to dwell on this... but I dont' want to erase it because I know something'll happen again that'll set me off on this topic.

So until another time.

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