Saturday, June 28, 2008

Children Left Unattended Will Be Sold as Slaves.

So, the pub we ended up going to (in the NEXT VILLAGE) turned out to be excellent. And entertaining.

And now it's morning, and we're on our way to Glastonbury!

Checkout this morning consisted of brekkie made by the awesome dude who lugged our luggage up the steep flight of stairs when we first arrived (and who owns the place with his wife), giving back keys to the same awesome dude , putting shit in the car, and having a fag. Easy and painless. And we finally got the voice working on the Nubi, whish Anne seems more inclined to listen to than us. Or maybe our way today is just more straightforward.

I guess we'll see!

Blair surfed the net last night, but the moment I got on it, it stopped working. Or maybe she got off of it because it stopped working, and neglected to mention it.

Whatever; either way, we didn't check this morning and the woman was telling us the cottage we're going to next has "one of them fancy V-something-Esses that plays those cassettes!" And "a gameboy that plugs into the TV!!" for if we get bored.

Somehow, I doubt there'll be internet there.

Ah, well!


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