Thursday, February 15, 2007

A New Era

I just happened to read over my last post. How ironic. That was exactly one week ago... and as of tomorrow, I am officially withdrawn from Springbank Community High School.

Now how did this come to be, you ask? After worrying about taking more classes and special projects and everything else in the universe to do with school, the end came so utterly randomly.

Let's go back to earlier today.

I spent the first two periods getting everything together for my job in the cafeteria. For some reason (maybe St. Vally's Day yesterday scrambled my brains), I thought I had English all afternoon instead of in the morning, and by the time I figured it out it was kinda too late... Who knew it would end up having been my last English class? *sniffle*

So instead I used the morning to submit all my hours, verify the official (meaning paid) version of my hours with my boss, and try to get my direct deposit and health insurance stuff settled. Then I worked in there until lunch, and then I went out with Kellin and talked to Ingoutch for a bit. 'Twas lovely (though the convo lasted all of a minute), and I can't wait to go see her in March.

So yes. Came back in, realized I had no class all afternoon, and failed to get in touch with Mama to go home. So I went back into the caf to help Kellin's dear Mama get out early, and in return (or... you know... just because she's Michelle...) she told me to come home with her and Kellin and call Mama from there. We were just out the door when I realized I'd forgotten to give Christian something to give to Kai. Michelle told me to run like the wind, but I couldn't find Christian anywhere. I did, however, see Keebee and Blair and thrust it into their hands, already worried I was taking too long. I was going out the door once again when el principal cornered me and insisted I go talk to him.

Yes, I told him Michelle was waiting with the car already running.

No, he didn't care.

Given the circumstances (and my naturally paranoid nature), I thought I was in deep shit. So imagine my surprise when he leads me to his office, sits down at his desk, and starts fiddling with some papers. Then he told me that I was ready for my diploma. I wasn't sure what exactly he meant at first, but it soon became clear what his goal was.

Then again, "I think it would be better for everyone if you were to withdraw from the school" doesn't leave much room for interpretation.

He talked at me for a while, outlining all the reasons why I should get the fuck out of his school, and I was surprised to learn that underneath all the bull, the proposition actually made sense. I told him that I couldn't make a decision without talking to my dear Mama and pointed out one last time that I was pressed for time. Then I booked it out to Michelle's car. Neither she nor Kellin was mad once I told them what happened. And both thought about it and agreed it was a definite option. When I talked to Mum a little later, she also agreed. She also informed me that we were going to Edmonton early Saturday morning, until Wednesday.

It was Thursday afternoon.

Way to give warning.

Although it's not like she kept it a secret... I just thought it was sometime during next week. I had plans for the weekend... And I hate trade shows, especially when I'm broke... I'm not too fond of Edmonton, either....

*sigh* But that's off-topic.

Since Mama refused to pick me up, I got a ride back to the school to take the bus. First, I got my final exam mark back (after wandering aimlessly awhile, thinking about my decision to 'withdraw'). Eighty-two, whee. Same as my class mark, I think. Told a few people about 'my decision'. Then, I went back to Mr. Davidson. When I told him 'my decision', he started smiling. He didn't hesitate to assure me that I was welcome to visit the school, welcome to continue working in the caf, and welcome to go to grad in May, of course. He handed me the (surprisingly simple) withdrawal form and told me to get my teachers to fill out the bottom part so Mama could get a refund on my school fees. Then he hustled me out of his office by the main office doors, and headed back into his office.

Or so I thought. When I turned to go down the hall I saw him leaving his office by its own separate door, grinning widely and whistling.

I kid you not.

And I will bet you every book that I own and all my money that some form of "One down!" crossed his mind as he handed me that form and led me out of that office.

The whole thing was so weird. He interspersed compliments with negative implications about my moral character (yeah, I'm proud of that wording). And although he was sickly sweet about the entire thing (even while insultiong me), I still find him astonishingly transparent. Still, the whole thing (and such a sudden thing) left me feeling kinda lost, so I wandered a bit more before going to see Mr. Dearden.

Luckily, his class was working on their own, so I was free to speak to him in peace. He didn't hear me knock or come in, and when he looked up and saw me, he gave me an altogether different smile from Davidson's. When he asked where I'd been, I just handed him the withdrawal form. He couldn't believe it, especially when I told him about Davidson's role in my decision to withdraw. He was a lot madder than I'd been. I'd just been kinda bemused until then. But seeing him get mad for my sake just made me sad. Not about my decision to withdraw, but just about the admin's general attitude. Mr. Dearden and I had a hug and a moment, and I asked and was told that I could come sit in on classes whenever I want.

Dearden wasn't the only one pissed off. Blair was ready to gun down Mr. Davidson. Kai's first response was "what an asshole", as was Brandon's. But hey. Not only was it my final decision, but I don't really care about Davidson. Guess what? I don't have to deal with him anymore. Plus they can't suspend me or cuss me out for smoking. At least not off of school property.

It's just so insane, though. One moment I was looking at five more months of school at least, and the next I was as close to done as I'll be until tomorrow when the final signature goes on that piece of paper. Tomorrow. And tomorrow is also the last day before school goes underground for Suicide Week, so it's gonna be even more unreal when the vacation week finishes.


And when I talked to Kellin a few hours ago, he mentioned something that had also crossed my mind at some point today. He told me that since I decided to drop out (so much more... base... than 'withdraw', no?), he really wants to do the same. Not for some stupid love thing, of course. But I know for a fact that before we started talking and eventually dating, he was barely going to class. But after we started dating, there was more of a reason to go to school. I know what he means. after we got serious, I rarely missed school. Actually going to class was a different story, of course, but between seeing Kellin and working in the caf, I was usually somewhere in the building.

But even with that small motivation, since the semester's started Kellin's been getting a majour case of the same itch I've had since the beginning of last year. I can count on one hand the number of times he's gone to a full day of classes. I think I can count it on one or two fingers, actually. And I'm sure the fact that he won't be able to graduate this year has something to do with it. I mean, what's the point of going to class when you know that the credits won't be doing you any good? Especially classes that were randomly assigned to you.

He told me he'd really miss seeing me at school.

Although I will be there at least sometime each day to work in the caf.

But now, back to (non-school related) work.


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