Friday, April 15, 2005

Back and Black and Saving the World

The answer is, I am!

Yes indeedy. Things are mostly sorted out and I live to serve all you faithfuls who have kept up and borne with me through this difficult time. I hope to no longer have to neglect my blog for a very long time, but I can't make any promises.

Basically, there are a couple of big new items going around in my life. It's a new semester (and it's over half finished already o.O), so I have all new classes. They happen to be much harder ones, too. I know, I know... I get no breaks... *feels sorry for herself for a half second*

The absolute most important thing going on in my life right now is the Weekend To End Breast Cancer. If you live near Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary or Montreal, you may have heard of this. Basically, it's a two-day 60 kilometre walk to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. Everybody who participates has to raise a minimum of 2000 dollars, and most people raise double that or more. Thousands of people from these four cities, each raising tons and tons of money? That's not something to scoff at. Hundreds of millions of dollars being raised. We truly are the end.

But we can't be, I can't be, without raising the money. My grandmother died of breast cancer, and both my mother and I are at really high risk. I don't want to have to go through the suffering of someone I love dying; not again. I don't want to die, either. Especially if I have kids one day. What I went through when my grandmother died, what I watched happen to my mother when her best friend died... it was all horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Every single person that I help, any life that I save, makes it all worthwhile.

In Canada, one in 9 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. One in three will die from it. 407 women are diagnosed on average every week. Look around at any large group of people you know: a classroom, an office. Now look again and think about the fact that at least a few of them will die an early death. Look around a class and know that not all of the girls in it will live to see sixty. Look around your office and know that you may not be working with a women in a few years because she's dead. If that thought doesn't affect you at all, maybe you should take another look at your own life and your priorities.

So basically what I'm saying is that as my first act of the reestablishment of my blog, I'm asking you to help me on this. Here's a link to my personal page on the Weekend site:

If it doesn't work, try and search for my in the list of walkers. My name is Aya Gabriel. My site has the abridged story of my grandmother's death, and my dream for this walk. I would like to ask everybody to donate a hundred and fifty dollars, but I know it's not likely to happen. So instead, I'm asking everyone who reads this to donate 30$. If you can afford more, I would really appreciate it. Online, secure donations can be transacted by credit card, and if you can't do that, contact me at and we can arrange something. Ask your parents, friends, siblings relatives, because everybody has been affected in some way by this disease. Copy this, forward it, link it. Do the same for my and my mother's personal page. If you really don't have much money to donate, anything you have brings me closer to my goal and closer to a cure.

The walk is August 12th to 14th, 2005. My mother, Thelia Foster, is also walking. Together, it's us two alone with thousands of other women and men across Canada. I'm probably going to be keeping my blog updated with my progress, because it's such a huge part of my life right now.

Again, thanks you to everyone who's kept right with my blog through the hiatus and the tough period beforehand. Thanks to anyone and everyone who donates. Hugs for all! Harmony and love, peace through the ages, and Goddess bless.

We are the end.


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