Sunday, January 03, 2010

Welcome to the New Year.

A full moon, and a single bright star shining on the new year. I had a quiet one this year, with Shawn and Kim in Maple Ridge. It was a nice change, and a nice time. To cap off an excellent holiday season, with incredible amounts of laughter, partying, and general love and joy. Surprise? I think not. But made none the less pleasurable for its predictability.

And now, home again, alone again, and naked again. I still haven't unpacked, having elected to sit and watch Becoming Jane, a movie I got for Christmas, instead. The sentimental feelings of the holidays and the resulting etherealness of the time before it have left me conflicted. I want to share the joy and the news and, well, life with him, but the time we spent together before the holidays seems almost like a dream, and the relationship is new enough that the dreamlike qualities undermine my assurance in the security of the thing. So I'm left doubly wanting to reconnect and reaffirm it, but unsure that my anxiousness is reciprocation. And doubly complicated by the idea that even if it's not reciprocated, it may well simply be that his memory is far clearer than mine and so he simply does not doubt. And then the thoughts that perhaps he does doubt and is therefore playing it lightly as I am, and that perhaps I should take the first step in that case, horn in and I'm left feeling quite confused about it all, and with a headache on top of that from the million other possibilties that continue to branch off.

And every time the silly program dings (for another, I might add) I feel momentarily excited and then silly.

But despite all of this, for the most part I'm trying to just chill. Tread lightly, as it were, my New Year's resolution. Patience and all of that... it'll deroule in time. And despite doubts, I have the feeling that it will unfold to other than my worst fears. Worrying helps nothing, in any case. As my plans have only been in my head, it's understandable that others aren't following them. Certain other needs are not at the right time to be fulfilled either, so patience only ensures that the final event will be even more fantastic.

I want to just blow his mind, though. Call it vanity, Emotion, whatever, but I just want to punch him in the face with awesomeness. Or maybe a Sockem' Bopper. Heehee.

But this whole time being all one piece is partially awesome, partially driving me crazy. I think the time-space folding thing allows me to feel parts or whole emotions while removed from the situation simply by allowing me to phaze in and tune in because after all, it's happening all the time, that event. If that makes sense. But at the same time while an event is happening, I can grasp onto it and feel it whole but I know it's fleeting because at the same time I'm tuning into realities where it's not being felt. Which is why it's easy to chill and be patient but at the same time it's the hardest thing in the world.

And my stupid overanalytical brain. Constantly seeking patterns, to the point where I wonder whether it's creating them to fill the need. Choosing most words carefully and absorbing each one that comes in return and then feeding it through lenses and scopes and ideas and points of view.

But now, to bed. What will come will come, and I have plenty to do until it does!


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