Sunday, November 28, 2004

Quick Question

Those of you that read my novel online (and yes, I'm sorry that I haven't updated it in a while. I've been writing it.), who is your favorite and least favorite character? Right now there's the four main ones: Lunai, pendis, Darcy and Jared, and then there's Sarah Harper. There are more of them, but unfortunately they aren't in the currently posted version. I just want to know so that I can decide who to focus on more when I start editing it and even while I'm being a Lean Mean writing Machine in the next while. Those of you that haven't yet read what there is so far of my novel, it's here.

How do you cast your vote? Just post it in a comment, and I'll keep tally here. please, it only takes a minute or two to click the 'comments' button at the bottom of the post, click 'post a comment', and then type the name and (if you want) why you do/don't like them. It will help me tons and tons, though.



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