Sunday, November 21, 2004

Next! Ava, Closet Doors, and a Whole Lotta Huffing and Puffing

Okay, back for Round Two! In case you're not up-to-date, scroll down to 'Apologies, Time Travel, and a Lost Younger Brother'. I hope to at least get the weekend done and written down here tonight, so that I can write and write some more on NaNoWriMo.

So, next. Friday. I woke up earlier on Friday, though it was a PD day and there was (yet again) no school. Early, of course, means something like noon or one pm. I can't quite remember what I did earlier on in the day, but somewhere around 2 or so Ava appeared, quite suddenly, in Mumsy's bedroom. I walked in and she was there! There was hugs and hellos, and we all talked for a while before loading up for the show. We had to be set up by seven, starting at four. We delayed as much as we could and ended up there by 4 30 or five.

Now, my mother has a custom and simply gorgeous display case with 'Ti' carved into the front and all sorts of other goodies, courtesy of Brian, who made it for her. The only problem: It's wood and glass and freaking huge. Ava and I lugged it to the car with only minimal butt-squishing against doors and crushed body parts, and thankfully no tripping or dropping. After that, the rest was a piece of cake! Well, kinda. There were two closet doors as well, the big white kind that slide/fold open, that we filched from the front closet and were going to use as displays for her clocks.

We had been told that we got the same spot as last year (though we didn't have Ava last year), and so we piled into the cars and went to the Golf Clubhouse, one of the two locations (at either ends of Redwood). We got out and all industrial like, gathered the closet doors and meticulously made our way into the clubhouse. Though the damned door things are bigger than us, we were women and so we prevailed. Upon entry into the clubhouse, we were greeted by Karen (the organizer and my brother's bus driver) helping people set up in OUR space. What was this? The traitor!

Her and Ava called out things to each other that I didn't catch with my limited hearing and I bewilderedly followed them back out, back to the car, still carrying the freaking closet doors. Apparently not only were we not at that place, but we weren't even in the clubhouse! We had been relocated to the Ostrich Egg lady (dont' ask) 's spot in Redwood House.

Of course then we got there and had to unload it all. Again. After nearly killing myself several times because I had shoved my feet into the nearest shoes on my way out and was now stuck unloading on ice in heels, we got all of Mama's stuff unloaded. Then there was Ava's stuff. She was parked around back. There was an icy slippery hill and stairs involved. Nuff said.

I brought in all of her stuff and Mama and I discovered the cool new stands and displays her husband had made for her. The cool new displays that made the closet doors unnescessary.

Oh, a note: Mama fucked up her wrist. Again. Poor old dear. -snicker- Ima get whacked for that one. -cough- But anyways. The point is that all the heavy lifting and hauling that I'm talking about is all getting done by either me or Ava or both.

So the closet doors got luigged all the way back to the car.

Finally, finally, after laying out and organising (if you'd call it that) and basically setting up to our heart's desire, we all piled into the cars and headed home. We didn't have to be back til the wine and cheese party at 7. Mama and Ava relaxed and drank wine and had fun. I... Well, I actually don't remember what I did. Maybe I read...?

In any case, at quarter to seven we all changed and got dolled up (or as dolled up as we're going to get for -turns up nose- the likes of Redwood Meadows) and piled back in the car and drove back to the Redwood House. To sum up the rest of the night: horrible wine, no sales, and an interesting diatribe between me and Ava on the way back that consisted mainly of insults about youth and ... uh... old age. Can't remember much of it now but we laughed and Mama 'oooooooh'-ed over each one that was particularly bad. I got in the last word, for once. ^.^

And that was my Friday night. Last Friday, that is.


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