Okay. Last weekend. On Friday, we went to Lethbridge. Me and Mama, that is. It's about a two-hour drive, not too bad. We (meaning I) talked the entire way. Didn't get lost, checked in all right to the motel... Relaxed, then went and set up at the show. It was from 3 til 10, and Ava volunteered to work the first shift.
Mama and I went to eat at a Chinese place, and had a nice time talking (and eating). Then we returned and I took the next shift, while Mama and Ava went... wherever mothers go on their spare time, I guess. The woman next to us was selling light switch covers. Original, I must say. Mama got one for me (kinda), and put it away for presumably Christmas or something. I kept working til ten, when it closes. We went back to the motel and collapsed, utterly at peace. We relaxed, and read, and relaxed some more. The next morning Ava said we could sleep in and she'd open up, so we did. Read some more, then headed down to the show. Once again I took over for Ava and nher and Mama disappeared. Saturday was only 10 - 5, so I didn't have to work as long. Ava and Mama eventually came back, and I bought some soap from a cica vendor. Ava gave me the last of her silver bangles as half my pay, so now I have 7 bangles instead of one. They sound lovely whenever they move and clink together, and they're so much more delicate than the one I had already (an old family heirloom). Packing up, me and Mama returned to the hotel to relax until dinner at an Italian place with Ava's mother and her.
Lords, that was the best time I've had in ages and ages. We talked, we ate, we laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more. I haven't laughed that much in months. I think we scared a lot of people, though.
You know what? None of us cared. Three generations of women (Ava's mum's 72), and all of us free-spirited and free-minded. Tis enough to drive anyone listening absolutely mad! Those are the real fun times. Just simple enjoyments, like laughing. People these days spend so much time worrying and working and scurrying about that we forget to just sit back and enjoy life sometimes. That was the reason I enjoyed last weekend so much. I didn't get any writing done, I didn't work at all, but I don't care, or have any regrets. I needed the vay-cay as much as Mama did. And it was a real vay-cay. Short, and we didn't go too far, but it was wonderful. Simply wonderful.
The next day, I had a bath.
Please withhold your gasps of alarm. I do take showers every day, but I never take baths, mostly because my bathroom light goes off after half an hour. Occasionally I go into Mama and Papa's bathroom to take a bath, but they're usually busy so I don't bother.
Oh, the joys of bathing!
Actually, even showering there was awesome. My bathroom is a disaster area, and I have to freeze my butt off every morning in the time after my shower where I run to my room butt-naked to get my towel, hanging on its hook. Luckily, I'm the only one awake at this time of morning so it only traumatizes me, from the cold. In the motel this isn't a problem. Nor do I have to sleep on my floor because my futon is covered in stuff. I sleep in a clean fresh bed with clean fresh pillows and I dry off IN the bathroom with clean fresh towels. Don't get waken up by my stereo turning on ultra-loud with that damned song that sends adreline pumping through my veins even when I'm not asleep, either. And no brother. No father. No friends. No freaking people bugging me every second, or calling, or...
I love my friends and family. I really do. But they're a source for mucho stress. There's one person who I wouldn't mind calling at all hours... But he's a different story. One that shall not be told here and now.
All things come to an end, unfortunately. We eventually had to leave. After a visit from Ava and a bone-crushing hug goodbye (I really miss Ava when she's not visiting. I wasn't kidding when I said that she rocks), we departed. A quick stop at A&W for food, but that's it. The vay-cay was over.
I could feel Mama getting more tense with every mile. Neither of us was eager to be getting back home. We ended up stopping at the Round Up Center for Taboo, the 'Naughty but Nice Sex Show'. A woman in my Glassblowing class, Barbie, was selling stuff from her clothing store (The Barbie Shop) there, and she gave us all free tickets. Bonus, because they were 15 bucks each. As usual, I didn't even get stopped or carded (can you believe that Jared says I don't look close to 18? Shows what he knows :^P) , and we spent a couple of hours there.
Another great time was had. Before you ask, it wasn't a pornographic type of thing. There was no one getting it on for everyone to see on stage or anything. It was more like a fair: lots of vendors, with contests and fashion shows and stuff like that. I got a mega awesome boa, too! But best of all: we had a great time. By the time we left, Mama was laughing again. And that is why I'd thank Barbie on my hands and knees for the tickets.
After that, our adventure was truly over. We stopped at a bank so that I could deposit the money Ava had paid me, and then headed home. The first thing I did was call Bec and tell her all about it. I wish we could have brought her along, but of course her mother'd have a hissy fit. I'm lucky I see her at all outside of school. It really sucks. All of my favorite people, I'm not allowed to see. Or at the very least, it's difficult. Becca's mother's psycho, Will's parents are racists, Inga's stepfather's against anything that will make her happy (like seeing her best friend).
But when I called, it was great. We chatted in that high-speed shorthand way that no one but us understands, and had a blast. Laughing, talking... More simple pleasures.
And then, as it inevitably does, Monday came.
Love and Harmony,
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