MistWeaver: The bed... it calls to me...
Voice In The Mist: Why don't you answer, then?
MW: Nuh uh. Too much work to do. I should be doing it right now.
VITM: So go do it.
MW: Can't... I can't concentrate on my homework. It's really irritating. I should have been done hours ago, but instead I've barely (as in, NOT) started.
VITM: In serving my current role as conscience, I order yout o put your nose to the grindstone and WORK!
*Voice snickers*
VITM: Yeah, like you're really gonna.
MW: I have no will to deny it. I won't. Not right now. But I will tonight, even if I get absolutely no sleep. Which is possible. On another note... I have two tidbits of cool news.
VITM: Do tell.
MW: First off, I had the most amazing-cool (yeah, I know: great vocab) dream this morning. That's a kinda long story that I was gonna tell you at lunch, except that the internet in the library was down.
VITM: You can tell us about it after your homework. What's the second piece of news?
MW: I talked to Inga today!
VITM: Wow, that's really great! When was the last time you talked to her? A month ago? More?
MW: More. But she called, and we talked for about ten minutes before Ryan got us to three-way him. He's always really interested in meeting her for some reason. And after that, we talked for like another hour. Twas really cool.
VITM: Ryan and Inga? Now there's an unlikely combination. How did they get along?
MW: Frankly, I expected that they'd despise each other. But surprisingly enough, they got along semi-well. Better than Will and Inga, in any case.
*knocks on wood*
And Ryan took Inga's every-third-word swearing quite well. I was impressed. He said absolutely nothing on the topic. It also served to remind me how far I've come, and how far I have yet to go. For instance, I used to swear as often or more than she does. It was a serious test in self-restraint though, because when I talk to Inga, I tend to fall into the usual pattern we have when talking to each other. Basically, we talk extremely fast, with the conversation so littered with 'dude's and 'fuck's that an outsider would probably not understand half of what we said. I fear we may have subjected Ryan to at least part of that, but I tried as best I could to hold back on swearing. Hardest thing I've done all week. By far. Also, we had a lot of catching up to do, and therefore were more updating each other on events than anything else. On the other hand, there are a few things that just can't be discussed in the midst of 'mixed' company. Such as what's-his-face. Jared. Well, technically he can be discussed in 'mixed' company, but I didn't feel comfortable doing it for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe because he was so interested. Maybe because I feel stupid whenever I think about it.
Speaking of which, Ryan wants to get Ian (who's gonna Montreal soon) and Inga together.
VITM: A match made in Heaven, truly.
MW: Lords, I can see that one. Ian would either despise her, she would despise him, both, or she would corrupt him utterly. Probably a combination of the three.
But let's leave that for another day. As we shall the dream, of which I will post the edited version next time I have teh chance (i.e., when I have gotten more sleep). And the update on what's happened to Ryan's hair, and what's happening to my hair. And the scariness of how I feel like every day I'm turning more and more into ... *shudder* A CALGARIAN!
Seriously, I am. It's scaring me. But more on that tomorrow.
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