Yupps. Back to the old routine. Holidays over. At least we got an extra day: no schoool yesterday. It started today instead. And what did getting that extra day accomplish in the life of Aya Gabriel?
Mousepad all, that's what.
I had expected to get in my iRiver and spend the day messing with that. Unfortunately, the *#&% thing hasn't come in yet. Never mind that Mama ordered it on the 18th of December. Never mind that it was supposed to be in before Christmas, or a day or two after at the latest.
Luckily there's a beautiful thing called the Internet. And UPS and Canada Post have a website. That lets you track your packages. Mama's been tracking it online. Jeeeeez, it's been everywhere. First they made a mistake and it got stuck in Minneapolis. Then it somehow ended up halfway across Canada. Finally, last Wednesday or Thursday, it got to Calgary. Then they made another mistake and it got shipped to Edmonton. Then it had to be shipped back, because of course it was supposed to be in Calgary. That was New Year's Eve. Since they don't work on weekends, that meant that I had to wait until Monday to get it.
"But isn't it Tuesday?" you ask. "I though you said that you didn't get it in yet!"
Yeah, that's right. It didn't come in yesterday. No, I don't know why. I don't think that it was a holiday, because Ryan had school and it wasn't on the list of holidays on the UPS or Canada Post website. I guess that I can only hope that it comes in today, while I'm back here in this shoelace-hole.
Speaking of which, how has my first day back been, you ask? Why, marvelous of course! I've been awaiting my return to scholarliness with a single-minded expectancy bordering on fanaticism, because I oh-so-love school.
Excuse me while I find a ditch and die.
Yeah, it's sucked. But not as badly as it could have! For example, nobody in Drama memorized their lines, so I was off the hoook for that. And we didn't have French homework, for once. For the next three weeks, until the end of the semester, we have to speak entirely in French. Anything said in English will get marks docked, unless it's teacher-approved beforehand, of course. Easy marks, I'm hoping. My only problem so far is that I'm hesitant to speak to my other classmates (like the cica who sits beside me) in French, because I know that they most likely won't understand, especially not casual whisper-talking.Other than that, I'm enjoying a mainly stress-free French class.
And get this. I got 81 % on that horrible project for Evening of Culture night. I expected to get in the 60s or 70s. And if I had refined a few details, I would have gotten even higher.
Also: I'm in the paper. A couple of us ended up in the paper and the article that was done on Evening of Culture night. Dane (open-shirted and war-painted) and Max got in for Madagascar, but I wasn't in there for my French project. No, I had a picture of myself alone, on stage, dressed formally for my story about Grandma. I was quoted as 'telling a very emotionally moving story of the death of [my] grandmother'. Cool, eh? I wish I had a copy of the article for my wall. I want to remember it. The story, that is.I was super proud and still am.
Coming up after lunch is more French and then English. Time to see what I forgot over the holidays! I didn't read To Kill A Mockingbird, nor did I finish the Odyssey, so I'm gonna have to read them over the next week or so. The Odyssey's interesting, but so far TKAM sucks. Maybe a miracle will happen and I'll come to like it. You never know, after all. It happened with Beowulf, and I still don't believe it entirely.
Well, I guess that it's off to read and enjoy my first day back. Pf. Yeah, right. It could be worse, I suppose. And I have a meeting after school to up my anticipation even more on whether or not my iRiver came in. I'm not getting my hopes up though. High hopes lead to a harder crash. Though if it's not in by tomorrow I'm going to hurt something.
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