For starters, in the horrible divorce proceedings going on, she has persevered despite the enormous amounts of crap my father has put her through. She's managed to keep even my puberty-hitting brother fed when Fil refused to give us money to eat on. She's forging ahead with her own business, despite the pressure to forget the whole idea and get an entry-level position at some unknown corporation. She's been accused of ruining her children, sleeping around, being a disgrace to her family, being a coldhearted bitch and worse things by individuals better left unnamed (coughfilbriancough), when all she did was try and care for people. She's been beaten, abused, and thrust into horrible situations.
But you know what? She's still here to talk about them. She's still persevering, still hasn't become a bitter witch from the hand life's dealt her. And today is Mother's Day. My mother hasn't only been a mother to myself and my brother. She's been a supporter and a caregiv
Now tell me. Is any of that fair?
I think not.
So here's to my mother. Here's to Thelia Darlene Foster. An
Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain. I don't know when this storm will pass, but you've been dancing so much that we're all soaking wet. And today, why don't you come inside and let yourself be wrapped in a warm blanket? Have a hot cup of whiskey-laced hot chocolate thrust into your hands. And get heated from the inside with the knowledge that there are people who love and appreciate you. You make us happy. You make our life better. Not just by raising us and providing for us. You make life better just by being you.
Love, Harmony, and Hugs.
Isn't my daughter amazing. I love her and her brother with all my heart. I am truly blessed to have two wonderful kids like these two. BooBoo, you just gave me the strength to go forward some more, and the faith that all will be okay. I LOVE YOU. I hope that when you decide (in later years) to grace me with a grandbaby that your daughter or son is a beautiful as you and your brother are.......