Sunday, March 06, 2005

Book time!

MistWeaver: Okey Dokey, first things first. No more apologizing. I've been uncountably busy, blah blah blah... you know the excuses. Basically, am going to try and update fully at least once a week and bully for you if you want more. Hopefully I'll slowly up the entry count as I get more time and settle back into routine.
Voice In The Mist: That's nice, dear. I've missed you.
MistWeaver: Woah, you being nice. Everybody, a moment of silence. You must have really missed me.
Voice: *snorts* More like I've missed your antics. So whatcha been up to, other than play hide-and-go-seek with a bunch of teenage girls you invited to your house.
Weaver: Technically, Rebecca invited them. And much more has happened since then. It's been what, two weeks now?
Voice: Something like that.
MistWeaver: Yup it was, and you are no longer looking at Aya Gabriel, novelist. You are looking at Aya Gabriel, acclaimed novelist and bookseller. That's right. I am sitting in front of 21 copies of my book, and have already sold close to 10. I have also given two seminars in a writer's conference, and been asked for my autograph.
Voice: Busy gal, you are. So tell me, how did you come to speak in a writer's seminar and get your book published?
Weaver: First off, it's not published. I just got it professionally bound at Kinko's. But it sure looks nice enough. Secondly, the conference thingie was called Write Off The Wall, and it was at my brother's school. But there were many other published authors there, and I was invited to speak. The day before the big event, Kai informed me tha ti could sell my novel there if I wanted, so the night before was spent frantically printing and binding copies of the novel by hand. I was so exhausted I couldn't think, and Mama majorly saved my butt by coming home late with 9 finished and bound copies of my book from Kinkos. It was all I could do not to fall on my knees and kiss teh ground she walked on in thanks. I was able to go to bed in peace.

Crap. I really hate doing this again, but I have to go after our new dog, Whiskey. Indeed, I do have much to report! I swear to Earth I'll finish this tomorrow.


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