Friday, February 11, 2005

Broke Hearts and Such

MistWeaver: You know what fricking sucks?
Voice In The Mist: Valentine's day?
MistWeaver: No, Val--. Oh. Yeah. But do you know why it sucks?
VitM: Because it's a corporate holiday made up by companies that don't think that they get enough money between Christmas and Easter and use people's emotions to turn them against each other and bring in lots of dollars?
MW: No. It sucks because I'm a stupid sap.
VITM: Don't tell me you actually like all the stupid cards and chocolate-giving and valentines and stuff?
MW: *is silent*
MW: Aw, shaddup. I'm a sucker at heart. I think that Valentines are adorable (especially those kiddie ones and the handmade ones), chocolates are yummy, and I happen to think that one frigging day of the year where being mushy and sappy is acceptable isn't necessarily a bad thing.
VITM: Then what's the problem?
MW: Watching everyone else get those kiddie valentines, handmade valentines, chocolates, and mushy and sappy stuff.
VITM: Awww... Feeling lonely, are we?
MW: Yes, if you must know. It's depressing to hear about stuff like how Becs' brother is going all-out to ask out this cica (I mean all out-- Chocolate roses and dinner and a pottery class "all out"), how she herself is finally working up the courage to ask out whoyamacallit, how Bri and Leni are both most likely getting those Crush things, etc. And how everyone who isn't involved in any way with Valentine's Day claims that it's just a stupid corporate scam. Which is true. But that doesn't mean that there aren't good things about it.
VITM: You're right, that is interesting, isn't it? It's all the people who don't have Valentines who are always dissing it. And the people who want Valentines but hold no hope for them.
MW: Bah. Whatever. I suppose my irritability also has something to with being here. I haven't really been super happy since I got back. Things just keep getting more and more crappy here. Everyday I feel like there's less and less holding me to this place. One day, I'm just going to leave and not look back.
VITM: But what about Becs? And Ryan? And your family?
MW: Well Becs wants to get out of here nearly as much as I do (although she doesn't feel the same driving need, the calling that I do... as if somewhere else is calling me...), and Ryan...
VITM: Ryan...?
MW: He can visit... or I can visit... But I just can't stay here. Meh, this is getting depressing. I'm tired. Bedtime. Or reading time. Or Zelda time. Or whatever.

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