Tuesday, December 28, 2004

It's... Over...

Christmas is over. Excuse me while I bawl my eyes out.

Okay, I'm done. After all, there's only 361 days til next Christmas!

Lately, I've been taking full advantage of my holidays to relax. And do absolute, glorious, nothing! This is why there have been no updates: there's been nothiing to update about. Christmas was nice, life has been good. My blessed iRiver, the only thing I really truly wanted for Christmas, has not come in yet thanks to the closure of all government offices including mail until tomorrow. I live in hope! Eternal hope!

Yesterday was quite interesting. I woke up at 1 15, due to my 5 am bedtime the night (morning?) before, to the dinging of my AIM. I rolled over and looked at it to find that Ryan had been IMing me for the past couple of hours. He informed me that I was going shopping, and I as going shopping with him at 3 30. Who was I to refuse? Especially since he was willing to tag along with me to both Chapters and Winners. How many straight guys do you know that would go with you to Winners? Not many, I'll bet you.

We never actually made it to Winners, but we went to Chapters for a long time, Superstore (to pick up the Nintendo DS that was the purpose for his shopping), Zellers (where several of his friends--and the cica he's afraid of, Sheila--work), and HMV. And we had a great time. I forgave him for his mother (who we met at Chapters and drove us to his house later where I got picked up) and he forgave me for dragging him through Chapters for at least an hour. I also bought him a CD, but I did that because there was a 2/30 deal and I figured that if the CD would make him happy, he deserved it. And it did, so I have no regrets on spending my xmas money on him. Besides, I got the Nightmare Before Christmas special edition DVD. The best movie ever, incidentally.

And now, for the Overlarge Pillow of Ecstacy. Something Ryan got for Christmas and I immediately fell in love with. It's an overlarge pillow. It reminds me of one of Leroy's dog beds. except a little bigger. And softer. Much softer. One side is entirely covered with black furry stuff. And it's soft. Ultra soft. And so big that you can literally curl into it. It's Heaven. In a pillow.

Okay, time to be absolutely unproductive once more and paint my nails.


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