Well, it's the day before the big Day 1 and I've decided to start a blog. I have no idea how much I'll be able to use it during the month, since I'm probably gonna be busy writing, but in any case I should be able to get to it at least twice a week.
Since this is my first post, perhaps I should introduce myself for those of you who don't know me.
My name is Sayata Wentiiosta Gabriel, and I'm more commonly known to the world as simply Aya or MistWeaver on the net. I'm half Mohawk Indian and half Barbadian, and I currently live in Alberta, Canada. Chances are you will hear much complaining about that fact.
I'm supposedly average height for my age but I'm short compared to everyone else I know, namely 5'5. As for my age, well I'm somewhere lost in my teenage years. I have liquid-y brown eyes and hair that's naturally brown but currently... um... well it was purple two days ago and today it's brown with white tips.
I'm considered extremely weird, among other things, but I don't care. I love to read and write, especially fantasy, and I tend to speak my mind and be myself no matter what. I'm a practicing Witch, though I don't believe in organised religion. If I were forced to name what I was, the closest thing I'd have say is pagan. Some people also think I have a swearing problem, though I`m gonna try and tone it down for the net.
Okay, enough with the describing.
I'm leaving to go into the city, so I'll be back with more later. I'm doing dick-all for Halloween so I`ll probably post then.
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