Weaver: I'm going to kill her. I'm going to fucking kill her.
Voice: Is that how you always greet someone that you've ignored for the past couple of months?
Weaver: Only when my best friend has just run away from home to live with her fucking dumbass loser boyfriend. The whole thing has just left me.... Ugh. Too disgusted for words.
Voice: That's why I'm here. To prompt you up when words fail, remember?
Weaver: I've missed you. But here, let me fill you in on the second half of my summer with Blair.
Firstly, when my fellow dish bitch finally up and quit, we needed a new person at work quick. And I nominated and subsequently convinced Blair to join up. This knitted us together like nothing else. She came over almost everyday after work, and basically formed one of those damned bonds that stick through everything... As in, "she's not my best friend... she's Blair."
Also, one of the privileges of my role in the community as advisor slash listener slash recorder for the soap opera this will someday be turned into, I get the privilege of sharing in all the drama without actually being a part of it. Case in point, the Dallis-Blair-Zach love triangle. Basically, at the beginning of the summer they finally broke up... and then Zach started regretting his decision and begging and begging for her to take him back. Which she steadfastly refused to do. Meanwhile, a whole drama is unfolding between her and Dallis. See, her relationship with Zach was a whim, and a standing joke was how they never had sex, Blair being a virgin despite Zach's proclaimed manwhore status.
Voice: Wasn't Zach the one that we supposed dresses up in Ladies' underwear?
Weaver: The very same. Anyways. Her relationship with Dallis was mostly based on sex, since he doesn't have to boast about his Manwhore status... note the capital. He's the real deal. So everything comes to a boil when Dallis and Blair do the nasty. This drives Zach (also affectionately referred to as Pisscrackers) to sic all of his so-called posse on Dallis, harassing him and such, and the Dallis of course does the same. They decide on a fight, mano a mano with no weapons.
Voice: Excuse me while I turn away and snigger.
Weaver: Long story made short, school starts again and Blair randomly gets back together with Zach, for no good reason whatsoever other than 'well I love him and he loves me'... which would have moved me a lot more if she hadn't already confessed to me that she only even vaguely liked him because she could manipulate him and he gives her attention.
So Blair talks Zach out of fighting. Unfortunately, by this time news of the fight is everywhere. Zach's friends gang up and bug him until he agrees. Blair freaks out and blames Dallis. They fight at school in a hilarious and amusing climax (which will ahve to wait until another time to be properly detailed) and after they get caught, Dallis gets suspended and Zach mouths off and gets expelled. Then declares to his angry mother that he's not going home. Stays at Blair's a while until Anne (Blair's mum) gets tired of taking care of him, and tells him to clean up his act or clear out. By now they've let him back into the school. Blair and him declare they're moving out together into the city, although Blair admitted that she didn't really believe it would work, and that it was a fantasy she was using to amuse herself. I was in Vancouver when this news became public... and then Blair got really sick and I didn't see her for a couple weeks. Since she got back on Monday, she's been... well, fucked up. Part of it I can blame on being isolated and out of the loop for a few weeks... and the even more extreme constant rubbing against Zach I can blame on their finally getting around to having sex... but she's still acting fucked up.
And then I get a call tonight from her mother not knowing where she is, and thinking she's gone off with Zach somewhere. Anybody else but Zach and I wouldn't have batted an eye... but considering he spent the last five days completely drugged out (instead of oh, say... FINDING A JOB OR A PLACE TO STAY?) and that Blair's been funny since she got better... I was not pleased, and more than a little worried.
I should probably mention that during this time, I also became pretty good friends with Blair's brother Ross, a surprising and pleasing specimen of humanity. Ross' a different story altogether of course, and could probably have a rant to himself, but that's a project for another day. Suffice to say that in the rare occasion we do discuss Blair, it's very handy to compare notes with an observant fellow such as he. He also has the benefit of living with her.
Thus, when I happened to check my computer on my way to bed, I instead ended up talking to him. Which returns me to my original thought.
I'm going to fucking kill her.
Voice: I thought you said you were never actually part of the drama.
Weaver: This time... I don't know. Usually I just watch and try to judge the sin, not the sinner. Despite Zach's utter stupidity and Dallis' poserish drama-queendom, I remain(ed) friends with both, simply because since I could see through them, I had nothing to fear from either one of them and could simply accept them as what they are.
Even Blair getting back with Zach didn't phaze me too much. I mean, my respect for went down a few notches (and I personally don't think that my respect is easy to gain or regain), but Blair was still the Blair I love.
But this? Hell, I'm not even all that mad. Just utterly disgusted. Disgusted with Zach because I'd like to drop him in the middle of Vancouver or Montreal to see what real life is like, and what really being kicked out of your home is like. He's just a stupid little spoiled boy whose mother coddled him. He has no concept of the real world. What's worse is that he was raised to be freeloader... mommy always taking care of him. Now that he's out of that home, he's still expecting to be taken care of. Anne said it best when she said that he had to go because he expected her to be his new mommy.
To completely veer off in another direction, I got a message from Craig saying that he told Blair to call her mom, and that he had something to tell me when I got back online. This happened to be two hours before I actually DID come back, so I suppose I have to drag my sick ass out of bed to go to school tomorrow and actually find out what the hell is going on. Not to mention see if Pisscrackers and Blair will be there.
And it grates even more that I know Blair is partially doing this for the attention. Nevermind that her mother's not only livid but worried out of her mind, and even her brother wants to rip Zach apart limb from limb. For which I'm all for. If more people would have beat the shit out of Zach as a child, he wouldn't be such a fucktard today.
I'm sick of this. I'm sick of it always being all about Blair. I'm not even really worried about her, because I know that she's smart enough to bail if shit gets too fucked. I'm just so utterly disgusted that she doesn't have the maturity to smarten up. To think that she'll actually be able to legally take care of herself soon... Then again, Blair doesn't usually actually do the taking care of herself... Master manipulator that she is, she's expert at getting others to take care of her in every way.
Voice: So much for one of those unbreakable links.
Weaver: Don't get me wrong. I still love Blair. I still have her back, and if she showed up at my house tomorrow needing a place to stay, I'd let her in. I wouldn't let Zach within 50 feet, and I would talk over the situation with her... but I'd let her in, no questions asked. But I know that my respect and my estimation of her have slipped quite a bit. Of course, what's my estimation worth? It certainly doesn't seem to mean much to her, lately. But I like to think that it means something to other people, and since pretty much everybody comes to me talk at some point or another.... I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Bottom line, severe irritation.
Voice: Does that fact that you're being forced to find out all of this third hand have anythign at all to do with your general bad mood?
Weaver: *sigh* Yeah, I know that's part of it. I feel out of the loop. I'm used to knowing about a situation from all sides... Hell, usually I know more about the situation than the people involved. Instead, I'm getting scraps. And it irks. Damn, more than that. It hurts. First I was non-entity with Kurt in Van (again) and then I lost Blair at work until the doctors declare she's not contagious.... and now it feels like I've lost her again.
Time to sleep on it.